Awesome video bro! That’s such a cool figure! It really looks like it’s a quality “Missing Link at Home” ? Honestly, I’ve been considering picking up the Missing Link, but I might switch my sights to this one given the price and quality. Oh, a
Happy new year to you! Yes guns are painted and molded in clear plastic which means you have to be very careful with paint-chipping because it makes the handle very tight. Cute figure ofc it was never going to be better than the Missing Link AHEM chefatron
Awesome video bro! ❤️ I really forgot how awesome these missions get, especially that last one! Things really dial up to like 11 (and then 12 ?) in the last act, so I’m hyped for it!
So turns out my comment at 9:10 is now completely irrelevant because I got the trophy after some practise and secured the platinum. ?
Awesome video bro! I keep forgetting how fun this campaign is! And yeah, that obstacle course is crazy tough ?, but that was a fantastic run! The trophy is legit torture tho, like I completely zoned out by the time I got it ? (I definitely wish you l
Glad you’re back! Love the gameplay videos
Awesome video bro! I really have to play that game. Those chases always look so intense! And the event looked pretty fun (definitely have some DOOM vibes with the music)! It’s crazy too cause I love parkour in games, but I’ve never gotten around to pla
Why is this guy whispering the whole time?
I love a good unboxing video ? Super chill video bro! That figure is sooo cool! I was legit debating picking it up too solely because of that classic G1 look (and the easy transformation, that’s always a plus ?). Looking forward to the full review!