Ephemeral Rift


2011 : Views 591 027 884 : Subs 1 190 000 : Core Score ☁;

Good Now, I hope you're doing splentastic, whoever & wherever you are across the globe! Welcome to a one-of-a-kind, ever-evolving, innovating, trailblazing, genre-blending, fearless, authentic, unorthodox, nonconforming, radical, avant-garde, eclectic, mo


Jul 2024
Sounds like you had a shit job and developed helplessness & low self efficacy which gave you a pessimistic perspective about society, but institutions and companies fulfill needs and society would collapse without them. You’re just criticizing withou
Jul 2024
I kinda enjoy that you’re contrarian. So often on the internet are just echo chambers of the same thoughts. I may not always agree with your opinions, but your videos are refreshing and entertaining lol.
Jul 2024
The funniest thing is that the people who benefit from the current system dont even have undermine your political power. You and people with similar beliefs are doing it for them for free ?
Jul 2024
An anime or video game of Uncle Rifts universe does sound awesome ngl...
Jul 2024
Hell yeah Uncle E
Jul 2024
really sad to see this creator reacting to all the push-back with "you just don't get it" and "you think I care?", to an obsessive degree. One would think he'd just ignore them if he didn't care. good thing he spent so much
Jul 2024
oh no the asmr man is cooked. the asmr man is encouraging people to sit on their hands and do nothing. the asmr man is a poser anarchist. well, the normal videos were fun while they lasted ?
Jul 2024
Beyond cringe
Jul 2024
Please keep the politics out of your channel. I like your content :(
Jul 2024
Just felt the need to comment a second time after reading some of the more unsavoury comments and say thank you for expressing your views on this. Politics is a hot topic with family and friends and obviously an even hotter topic when you have a million pe