Can i have some cuddles please? ?
Eli Scoby
I was not prepared for when he said, "make me your pup"
Tommy Brown
greatest channel name in history
Lennin Montiel
???❤❤❤ love this preview sorry i couldn't find panther emojis
Nathan Isaac
"You don't want to see what's happening in here" Me: "Dude, I get it. Sometimes you get a bad batch of takeaway, happens to all of us."
Nice one, can you do a goblin ASMR sometime?
Maxime Goupil
Reminds me of Ranok from the "Far beyond the world" visual novel.
Jay S
What a charming guy and the voice is pleasant i could fall asleep to it. The Wolf is my 2nd favorite next to the Spotted Hyena, amazing work i tip my hat to you good sir.I would like to say while not gay myself i still find your audios to be amazing, enter
the first 5 seconds got me ??
Very awesome. I love the accent too