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Jul 2024
Don't let these folks get to you, Mr. Rift. They're so well indoctrinated in the system that they still don't see that both wings belong to the same bird. But more of us are waking up every day. The average person hasn't quite got there yet
Jul 2024
Reminder to all those over 50s to get regular cognitive checkups at the doctors, else you might end up like uncle E here. I hope your family is taking care of you, man, you're clearly going through some shit.
Jul 2024
This video went over so many peoples heads. There’s a lot of people with brain rot in the comment section. I understand and agree with what you’re saying, Mr. E.
Jul 2024
Im sorry, but thank goodness i unsubscribed a while ago. This is not what i followed you for years ago. I dont like you saying voting doesnt matter, when it WILL when my rights my great grandparents fought hard for me to have will be stripped away when the
Jul 2024
Well Paul good thing all of us are entitled to disagree with you AND provide passive aggressive patronizing remarks towards you as well.You’ve gone off the deep end, you need to reevaluate your life bud ?
Jul 2024
I have actually thought a lot of these same things, while I don't agree with everything, I do understand how these opinions and thoughts were formed, good video:)
Jul 2024
And the comments will flood with people just looking to argue with you. Lmao. Good video Uncle Rift, I agree!
Jul 2024
He literally stated an opinion yall, if anything, he successfully rage bated yall into commenting and reacting, go ahead, make him more money? love your vids Uncle E?
Jul 2024
You have a safe life, living in American civilization, so you’ll be fine. For years I see you glamorizing anarchy and “leaving civilization” while playing it completely safe, living in suburbia. These social media posts you get off at pretending are
Jul 2024
please consider another bad fatherly advice themed video